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“We design, implement, and execute various communication projects to achieve the goals of our clients, taking into account the social development, and reputation of the organization”

The services we offer are:

Visibility tools diagnosis

We analyze its external communication tools (logo, graphic line, website, social networks, public relations, leader positioning, among others), in order to generate recommendations and to improve the image and reputation of the organization.

Internal communication strategies and plans

We develop internal communication strategies, climate and culture, in order to enhance the identity and the feeling of belonging of the collaborators to the organization.

External communication for mining / energy / social projects

We build strategies in order to generate, promote and facilitate dialogue between organizations and the communities where they operate. For this reason, we design and execute projects, aligned with the objectives of our clients, to create a favorable climate for the development of industrial projects.

Content generation

We take care of generating useful and interesting content for our clients in order to give greater visibility to the brand, position the organization as a benchmark in its sector and attract more clients.

Social responsibility and sustainability planning

Design and implementation of social responsibility plans and strategies, aligned with our clients’ business objectives, to help improve their corporate reputation among their main stakeholders.

Image, reputation and business communication diagnosis

We research and analyze perceptions, motivations, valuations and opinions of strategic audiences, in order to manage strategies that provide a good image and reputation.


We carry out qualitative and quantitative studies to extract the perception of the target audience (internal or external), about the organization, its products and/or services.

Design and development of institutional communication policies and strategies

We develop and execute campaigns in traditional and non-traditional media efficiently and creatively.

Mapping of stakeholders

We identify its key audiences and stakeholders, taking into account their perceptions, tone of speech, and assessing whether they represent an opportunity or a risk for the organization.